

Just another opinion, another idea to think about…


February 2020

Op-Ed: White House uses CPAC to inject politics into COVID-19 crisis

Op-Ed: White House uses CPAC to inject politics into COVID-19 crisis

Source: Op-Ed: White House uses CPAC to inject politics into COVID-19 crisis

Researchers uncover hidden antibiotic potential of cannabis

Researchers uncover hidden antibiotic potential of cannabis

Source: Researchers uncover hidden antibiotic potential of cannabis

U.S. schools are updating emergency plans due to COVID-19

U.S. schools are updating emergency plans due to COVID-19

Source: U.S. schools are updating emergency plans due to COVID-19

Northeast is in for snow, winds and 20-foot waves on Great Lakes

Northeast is in for snow, winds and 20-foot waves on Great Lakes

Source: Northeast is in for snow, winds and 20-foot waves on Great Lakes

Northeast is in for snow, winds and 20-foot waves on Great Lakes

Northeast is in for snow, winds and 20-foot waves on Great Lakes

Source: Northeast is in for snow, winds and 20-foot waves on Great Lakes

New study shows ocean currents are shifting toward the poles

New study shows ocean currents are shifting toward the poles

Source: New study shows ocean currents are shifting toward the poles

Blood-red ice in Antarctica an ominous sign of climate change

Blood-red ice in Antarctica an ominous sign of climate change

Source: Blood-red ice in Antarctica an ominous sign of climate change

‘Herd shot around the world’ – The last East coast polar launch

‘Herd shot around the world’ – The last East coast polar launch

Source: ‘Herd shot around the world’ – The last East coast polar launch

International concern grows over the spread of coronavirus

International concern grows over the spread of coronavirus

Source: International concern grows over the spread of coronavirus

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