

Just another opinion, another idea to think about…


Gun Control

Another mass shooting adds to the turmoil over gun control – National Community Issues |

Another mass shooting adds to the turmoil over gun control – National Community Issues |

Gun control: Why is nothing happening? – National Community Issues |

Gun control: Why is nothing happening? – National Community Issues |

How much responsibility for NYC’s gun crime rates does Virginia share? – Richmond Community Issues |

How much responsibility for NYC’s gun crime rates does Virginia share? – Richmond Community Issues |

Second grader suspended for pretending pencil was a gun – Richmond Community Issues |

Second grader suspended for pretending pencil was a gun – Richmond Community Issues |

Pro-gun group wants to give away free shotguns – National Community Issues |

Pro-gun group wants to give away free shotguns – National Community Issues |

Thinking out loud on guns and gun control

It may be because I am older now, and with age comes a sort of acceptance of the order of things, or not….., But I’ve become aware of a change in my thinking and more so, in my emotional well-being. It’s all due to the gun control issue and the impact it has had on the nation.

Bottom line, folks, is that it scares me a bit. The shooting in December 2012 of all those children and their teachers in Newtown, Conn was bad enough, as well as being emotionally upsetting to many people all across the country. I remember thinking to myself that nothing would come of the talk of gun control, and was actually surprised that it went as far as it did.

But something happened in America. I don’t think it really was all about guns at all. I think it was the culmination or a coming together of several factors that had been slowly eroding the base, or structure of our combined consciousness.. People were fed up with the way things had been going,  politically, economically, and basically, every way.

We were inundated with so many problems, and it got so bad that people began to wonder if the country was ever going to come out of the recession. Many people, myself included, were cutting back on how much was spent on groceries, and even now, I can’t afford to fill my gas tank all the way. I felt sorry for people with families, and especially those out of work. I wondered how in the devil they were managing to keep food on the table.

And to make things more confusing, our Congress would not and could not seem to accomplish anything, good or bad. The public heard dire predictions of the government falling off “fiscal cliffs” and a new word was thrown out for people to ponder, “sequestration” was added to our vocabulary. In the end, when the budget cuts started, I had the impression that our lawmakers blamed us for the mess, when in reality it was the reckless spending that had been the cause.

But it was the Bostom bombings that broke the camel’s back for all of us. That one incident did it for me. I, like everyone I knew, stayed glued to the television screen for hours on end, right up to the capture of the younger brother. And then, the public found its voice, and it was like everyone was trying to talk loud enough to be heard over the din made by their neighbors.

The talk has scared me the most. One group reported that a poll pointed out that one-third of the American public believed we would end up in an armed revolution. Revolution? They’ve got to be kidding, or so I thought. When I delved deeper into the story, I found out the “researchers” had polled 896 people. It occurred to me that such a small number of participants wasn’t a good cross-section of the country at all.

Then to top it all, the Senate could not pass a simple background check law. It was so watered down it wouldn’t have any clout to begin with, but our lawmakers were so worried about re-election next year, they voted against it. That’s all it took for the NRA to  climb back on their soapbox and crow about their victory in causing the defeat of the gun law. Now, we have individual states taking upon themselves to showoff how much they are into “state’s rights.” On Saturday, the Texas House approved 12 gun laws, most of them on a voice vote, no less.

It has made me so upset that I may just go out and buy me one of those guns. It won’t necessarily be for my protection, but instead will let the government and anyone else who may be interested know that I uphold and believe in my second amendment rights. Yeah, that’ll be the day.

Texas passes 12 gun bills on ‘gun day’ – National Community Issues |

Texas passes 12 gun bills on ‘gun day’ – National Community Issues |

Loaded guns to be carried on July 4 march on Washington – National Community Issues |

Loaded guns to be carried on July 4 march on Washington – National Community Issues |

NRA tells members they are engaged in a ‘culture war’ – National Community Issues |

NRA tells members they are engaged in a ‘culture war’ – National Community Issues |

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