

Just another opinion, another idea to think about…


March 2020

Grocery and delivery workers demand more pay and protection

Grocery and delivery workers demand more pay and protection

Source: Grocery and delivery workers demand more pay and protection

Closing of U.S. – Mexico border impacts lives on both sides

Closing of U.S. – Mexico border impacts lives on both sides

Source: Closing of U.S. – Mexico border impacts lives on both sides

Global oil benchmark Brent crude dips below $20 per barrel

Global oil benchmark Brent crude dips below $20 per barrel

Source: Global oil benchmark Brent crude dips below $20 per barrel

Op-Ed: Social distancing and the political divide in the U.S.

Op-Ed: Social distancing and the political divide in the U.S.

Source: Op-Ed: Social distancing and the political divide in the U.S.

Op-Ed: How the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a spike in creativity

Op-Ed: How the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a spike in creativity

Source: Op-Ed: How the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a spike in creativity

Fauci calls for continuing social-distancing regulations

Fauci calls for continuing social-distancing regulations

Source: Fauci calls for continuing social-distancing regulations

NRA stokes COVID-19 fears in lawsuit against California

NRA stokes COVID-19 fears in lawsuit against California

Source: NRA stokes COVID-19 fears in lawsuit against California

A look behind El Salvador’s quick response to COVID-19 threat

A look behind El Salvador’s quick response to COVID-19 threat

Source: A look behind El Salvador’s quick response to COVID-19 threat

The global medical supply chain needs to be fixed

Source: The global medical supply chain needs to be fixed

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